Travel And Entry Restrictions to Turkey In 2022

Updated on Jun 16, 2024 | Turkey e-Visa

The government of Turkey has set up numerous travel restrictions that are meant to control the security of its border. Amongst this also falls special measures that safeguard the health and security of the people of the country.

Due to the recent Covid 19 pandemic, the government was forced to put up multiple travel restrictions upon foreign visitors, keeping in mind the general safety. These Covid restrictions have constantly been reviewed and updated throughout the course of the pandemic, to this date. If you are planning a trip to Turkey, make sure to check out the travel restrictions mentioned below.

Turkey e-Visa or Turkey Visa Online is an electronic travel authorization or travel permit to visit Turkey for a period of upto 90 days. Government of Turkey recommends that international visitors must apply for a Turkey Visa Online at least three days before you visit Turkey. Foreign citizens can apply for an Turkey Visa Application in a matter of minutes. Turkey Visa application process is automated, simple, and completely online.

Is Turkey Open for Foreign Tourists To Visit?

Yes, Turkey is open for foreign tourists to visit. Currently, people from all nationalities can visit the country, if they fall under the immigration regulations imposed by Turkey. Foreign tourists also must follow the following rules:

  • Foreign tourists will be required to carry their passports and visa. They can also carry a copy of an eVisa in order to come to Turkey.
  • Visitors need to keep themselves updated with the most recent updates on the pandemic situation of the country with travel advisories. The country has been constantly evolving its travel restrictions based upon the current international situation.

Is Anyone Prohibited from Traveling To Turkey Due To The Pandemic?

The Turkish government has not prohibited any person from traveling to Turkey, regardless of their citizenship. However, they have made a few restrictions based upon the departure point of the individual. 

If you are coming from a high-risk country, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Thus visitors need to first check the most recent travel ban list. Other than this one restriction, most international tourists will be allowed into the country either visa-free or with an online eVisa.

Citizens from a few countries will only be allowed if they have a conventional sticker visa, which they can get from a Turkish embassy. This includes Algeria, Cuba, Guyana, Kiribati, Laos, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nauru, North Korea, Palau, Papua New Guinea, and so on.

What Are the Special Covid 19 Entry Protocols To Follow In Turkey?

A few Special Covid 19 travel protocols have been put up in the country in order to protect the health of the residents, as well as tourists in Turkey. If you want to be granted a permit to enter the country as an oversea visitor, you will have to comply with the special Covid 19 protocols that we have mentioned below -

  • Fill Up a Traveler Entry Form Before You Arrive At The Country - 
  1. Every incoming visitor who has surpassed the age of 6 years is required to fill up a Traveler Entry Form, at least a minimum of four days before arriving in the country. However, if you have a child under 6 years of age, they will not have to do the same. 
  2. This form is meant to contact individuals who have met a person who has been tested Covid 19 positive. In this form, the visitor will have to provide their contact information along with their accommodation address in Turkey. 
  3. This Form for entering Turkey needs to be filled up online, and the whole process will take a maximum of a few minutes. The passengers will be required to present it before getting on board their flight to Turkey, and again after arriving in the country. Visitors must also keep in mind that transiting through Adana is currently not possible until further notice.
  • You Must Be Tested Covid 19 Negative, And Have a Document Proving The Same -
  • Every passenger who is above the age of 12 years is required to carry a document proving that shows that they have tested negative in a Covid 19 test, in order to be granted permission to enter Turkey. They can choose between either of the two following options -
  1. A PCR test that has been taken in the last 72 hours or 3 days.
  2. A Rapid antigen test has been taken in the last 48 hours or 2 days.
  • However, visitors who have been fully vaccinated and recovered will be given an exemption to this requirement, under the conditions that they can provide either of the following two options -
  1. A vaccination certificate that shows that their last dose has been given at least 14 days before they arrived at the destination country.
  2. A medical certificate that is proof of their full recovery in the past 6 months.

Visitors need to keep in mind that they are subjected to taking a PCR test based on sampling, once they arrive in Turkey. They will be able to continue their traveling once the test samples have been collected from them. However, in the case that their test sample has come out with a Covid 19 positive result, they will be treated under the guidelines that have been established for Covid 19, by the Ministry of Health, Turkey.

What Are the Rules To Enter Turkey If I Come From a High-Risk Country?

If the passenger has been in a specified high-risk country in the last 14 days before traveling to Turkey, they will be required to submit a negative PCR test result, which has been taken in no more than a span of 72 hours of arriving in the country. If the visitor is not vaccinated, they will have to be quarantined at their destined hotel for 10 days and at their own expense. However, children under the age of 12 years have been exempted from this rule.

Turkish, Serbian, and Hungarian citizens who have a vaccination certificate that clearly states that they have been vaccinated in their home country will be permitted to enter without going through a PCR test. If the Turkish, Serbian, and Hungarian citizens are under 18 years of age and accompanied by a Serbian or Turkish citizen, shall also be exempted from this rule.

What Are the Rules For Quarantining In Turkey?

Travelers who have come from countries with a high rate of infection, or have been to a high-risk country in the past 14 days shall be required to quarantine after their arrival in Turkey. Quarantining can be done at specific accommodation facilities that have been pre-determined by the Turkish government.

As we mentioned above, passengers will be required to go through a PCR test upon their arrival in Turkey. If they test positive, they will be contacted by the authorities and instructed to quarantine for the next 10 days.

Is There Any Other Entry Requirement on Arrival to Turkey?

After arriving in Turkey, both the passengers as well as the airline crew will have to go through a medical check procedure, which will also include a temperature check. If the individual is not showing any Covid 19 symptoms, they can carry on with their journey. 

However, if a visitor tests positive in a Covid 19 test, they will have to be quarantined and treated at a medical facility that has been determined by the Turkish authorities. Alternatively, travelers can also choose to stay at a private medical facility of their own choosing. 

What Are the Travel Protocols to Follow If I Enter Through The Istanbul Airport?

The travel and entry restrictions in Istanbul are the same as in the rest of the country. However, since Istanbul Airport is the main point for arrival for a majority of foreign travelers, it has to follow numerous safety measures to control the spread of the Covid 19 virus. This includes the following -

  • The Istanbul Airport has several test centers that offer a 24*7 service. At these test centers, passengers take a PCR test, antibody test, and an antigen test, done right on the spot. 
  • Every individual must always wear a mask while they are at the airport. This also includes the terminal area.
  • Travelers might need to go through body temperature screening tests at the terminal entry point.
  • Every single area in the Istanbul airport is regularly closed to go through a thorough sanitization procedure.

Are There Any Safety Measures That I Can Follow to Protect the Turkish People?

Public safety measures Public safety measures

Along with the basic Covid 19 travel restrictions, the Government of Turkey has also set up several public safety measures to protect the general public. The government actively screens those who have applied for a Turkish visa, to check for a criminal record background and to prevent the entry of those travelers who may pose a threat to the lives of the general public.

However, this background check shall not affect the entrance of visitors who have a minor criminal history. This is done mostly to prevent terrorist activities in the country and to reduce the risk of dangerous criminal activities.